Brita Rizzi and Anne DeKeyser are certified independent saddle fitters located in Southern Pines, North Carolina. Our goal is not to sell you another saddle, but to determine what brand or model would work best for you and your horse. In addition to the saddles we have in stock, you are welcome to bring along new or used ones and we will give you our unbiased opinion as to which one is the best choice. We are also available to do clinics at your barn.
Saddle Fitting
Whether you want to fit your existing saddle or need a new one, we always offer our unbiased opinion and expertise to find your perfect fit. Learn more
Bit & Bridle Fitting
Bridle and bit fit are just as important as saddle fit to maintain your horse’s comfort and optimal performance. Learn more
I am so thankful to have found Brita Rizzi to help me with fitting my hard-to-fit horses and even harder-to-fit self…since Brita has started to help me, I have found my horses moving more freely forward and happier in their work.— CANDY ALLEN, USDF Gold, Silver, Bronze Medalist and USDF Certified Instructor